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The Hopewell Valley was the Crossroads of  the American Revolution.

 It was here that Washington's troops crossed from Pennsylvania to turn the tide of the war by defeating the Hessians at Trenton. It was this close-knit community of Valley residents, yearning for freedom, who guided the troops and gave everything they had for liberty.


But, who cherished the land before the Europeans came? And who came after the Revolution to develop towns and churches, schools and farms?


At the HVHS, we will tell you, show you, and immerse you in the rich history of our Valley.

Look around below to see the many ways that you can find your path to Hopewell history!

What's new in history?

Looking to learn about history in the Hopewell Valley? The HVHS is always busy and so are our partners.  Click on the calendar for an overview and on the blog posts below for more specific information about events and programs.

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