Community engagement
As often as possible, HVHS and its partners collaborate with the Hopewell Valley Regional School District to share what we know about our history with the students. Recent examples include Trustee Debbie Gwazda working with a Toll Gater to produce a Pennington historic tour, which was well-received by the students. Click below for an example of a "Then and Now" Power Point we produced for the HVRSD 2d grade.

The Hopewell Valley Historical Society established an annual awards program in 2021 to recognize publicly the service and contributions of individuals, groups and organizations, and businesses to preserving the history of our community, making it more accessible to the public, and promoting its greater public appreciation.

In a collaborative effort among the various history-inclined groups in the Hopewell Valley, historically appropriate signage is posted at several sites. For instance, five signs were installed around the Hopewell Valley in 2018 by HVHS; these have been professionally designed and have considerable historical content.