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What’s Brewing in New Jersey?

We just got word from our friends at Revolution NJ that they will be participating in Patriots' Week with one of their amazing Tavern Talks! The event will take place Sunday, December 29th at 120 East State in Trenton Beer will be sold by the nearby River Horse Brewing. 

RevNJ's Tavern Talks have been appearing all over New Jersey this year, gearing up for the 250th in 2026. This immersive history experience lets participants meet re-enactors to discuss the "events of the day" as people would have 250 years ago. You can read more about it here and get tickets here.

Hopewell Valley Historical Society is proud to partner with Rev NJ in bringing history to life! You can find more Patriots' Week activities on our calendar and stay tuned as more fun and interesting events are planned where Revolutionary history happened!


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